Last Friday, in my gratitude post, I mentioned being grateful that my stitches had been removed (skin cancer – margins are all clear) so that I could go back to my exercise routine. I work out as part of my self and mental health care. I don’t do it to get a hard body or a great body or even to maintain my current body (it turns out time and mother nature have their own ideas about my body). I move my body as a gift, not a punishment for something I ate or didn’t eat or some shortfall in my work or personal relationships.
For two weeks that “prop” was pulled out from under me – and let’s face it- it was just the last straw in a pile of props that have recently been removed from my life (things like time with friends, celebrating birthdays, weddings and anniversaries as well as countless trips that have been lost and/or postponed indefinitely).
I had to find solid footing and I’m not gonna lie – there were days it wasn’t easy.
I think right now we’ve all had the rug pulled out from underneath us in so many ways. It’s making us examine the difference between what is rock and what is sand.
Here is what I discovered is solid ground for me: my friends, my family, my gratitude practice, journaling, morning pages and meditation, laughter (in short supply so I’m doubling down to find it where I can), zoom calls, great books, Hamilton the movie (and any other broadway shows I can find until I can be in a theater again!), and now that I am able- I’m appreciating the gift of being able to move my body again and sweat!
I’m still looking for what is solid ground as so many things that brought me joy and comfort have been taken away (hopefully temporarily). These new realities give me an opportunity to look for new ways to connect to both myself and others. Notice I used the word opportunity. This is a chance to do things in a different way – to expand your definitions of happiness, joy, peace and love. And don’t miss this – it is an opportunity – one you don’t want to neglect.
Along with this opportunity there is loss though, and grief. Perhaps you need a little help navigating all the “new normals”. Or just some help figuring out what it is that can and will bring you joy now that some of your favorite props have been removed. Either way I’d like to help. Click here to have a chat with me so we can get to work!