After the Meltdown….

Last week I told you about my epic Swoozie’s Meltdown (you can read about it here)

This week I’d like to tell you about that graduation party I was making invites to.

When I think back to that day I can’t stop smiling. There were absolutely no tears.

Because it was so much freaking fun!

We had everyone we loved at that party. Our family, friends, the Stooges and their families were all there on a perfect day in May.

And it was good.

We all basked in the glow of those bright red polyester graduation robes sitting in a pile. We ate bbq and we told stories and reminisced about all the fun we had with those kids.

So this week I’d like to invite you to :

Enjoy these moments; every last one of them! I enjoyed them so much that I forgot to get a picture of our family with Joey in his graduation robe!
Yep! I made sure to get the picture of the Stooges before graduation- in fact, I insisted they all meet me early by that tree so I would have for posterity THAT picture! Yet, somehow it slipped my mind in all the goings on to get the picture that should have graced my Christmas Card the following December!

And I don’t really regret it. You know why? Because I was having a blast! Because I was so busy celebrating that I put down the camera and just enjoyed myself.

I hope during this season of Baccalaureates and banquets, parties and proms that you just take a moment and say to yourself- this is good. And even if it isn’t all good (and it won’t ever be perfect, someone will be late, or forget their tie, or get upset about something) I would like to invite you to my favorite life coaching secret:

Gratitude! I practice radical gratitude on a daily basis and I promise it changes everything.

  • Your kid is graduating … and that is good!
  • You are done yammering about college applications and exams and did you get that teacher recommendation…. and that is good!
  • The sun is shining ( I hope!), winter is over and you can put away your coat… and that is good!

Do you get the picture? Find the places where you are grateful and notice them.

Look at that senior of yours- look at them! Your village of family, friends, teachers, coaches, tutors et al have brought him or her here! And that is so very, very good. I know it is bittersweet- but for now… focus on the sweet.

After all, this is what you hoped for your child.

Roots and Wings…

Does this next chapter feel uncomfortable and a bit scary? Connect with me! Let me help you go from confused and scared to excited and certain! Click here for your free 30 minute call.

Well… at least we got pictures of the graduate with some of his family!

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